Post No16…How care homes categorise Nursing Dementia care - Infographic

Post No16…How care homes categorise Nursing Dementia care - Infographic

This infographic is the second in a three part series about the different types of dementia care available in care homes. A more detailed version of this topic can be found here.

Although all care homes will have slightly different views, the care needs and behaviours listed in the graphic provide a good general overview of the care type. Due to the higher dependency care needs (both dementia and nursing care), Nursing Dementia care is often the most expensive care type offered by ‘normal’ care homes (nb by normal I mean not Specialist Dementia homes).

It's good to note however, that anyone in a nursing setting is eligible to apply for Funded Nursing Care (FNC) which covers the cost of the nursing element of the care provision.

As per the name, Nursing Dementia care has to be provided in a nursing setting, it cannot be provided in a residential only home.

The last in this series of infographics will be Specialist Dementia care / Challenging Behaviour.

Post No16…How care homes categorise Nursing Dementia care - Infographic

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